
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Frost... Mage... Tank?

This is a druid blog, but I did make a mage when I first upgraded to Burning Crusade (BC). They sit soo cute I had to make a Draenei mage. And I love loved frost spec, but it's not good for anything except some pvp. But recently with conquest badge gear being easy to obtain I found that, like when I was level 70 running instances in BC, I could tank pretty well as frost. Not bosses, of course, but any trash is really easy to keep on me and slow it down so it doesn't hit me. So it just makes it seem like a really intriguing concept. They could rework the frost tree so it could be a pvp or tanking spec, and it'd be really interesting I think.

There are some major issues to overcome of course. Gear is one thing that I just don't know how they would do it. Be interesting if they somehow made it all talent based. Somehow make talents convert gear stats to tanking stats. Then of course making a mage tank they'd have to limit the amount of damage the mage could put out while upping survivability. And then this is all just crazy and insane, but some sort of caster bassed tank would be really interesting to me. Everyone else uses weapons, so boring.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Vent Normalization

Something I recently found out about, which I think is just amazing is the ability to normalize vent volume. Which means when someones too quiet or loud they will just sound the same. It's really awesome, and thought I'd show some screenshots of what to do to do it.

First just click the setup button in vent. (why no one uses the wow voice chat I still wonder)

In here just make sure direct sound is checked, then click SFX button.

Here you just need to add the compressor to the list.

And finally just set the settings of the compressor to these values. You can increase or decrease the gain in order to change the volume everyone will be heard at.

Been a While!

It's been quite a while since I've posted. Been busy with life and drama, such fun! Made another druid, switched to dual restro spec, I'm insane. But with my gear it's not too bad. Ran and hate trial of the champion many times >.> Trial of the crusader is way too easy in my opinion, but the hard mode is more fun, feels like old MC a little, except for needing so long to finish it. I've switched guilds around a lil. And I'm with awesome people to raid with finally. Actually liking everyone in a raid is interesting, but I don't bring much drama myself, I love to try and fix other drama though >.< Another post of something interesting in few min XD